Samstag, 9. April 2011

Sequence 2

Within the second sequence we want to introduce our pirates and their "life & adventures" a bit closer. because we are not able to shoot our ship in real water, battling with another ship, there will be a little handmade ship on a map (made by lisa) that will be animated with stop motion and sailing through the seven seas. this is the best way to let our ship go on treasure hunt, sea battles and fight with monsters

the boat will leave traces like on this card, but the map will be way more old school and hand made, like for example the map below.

After every adventure the pirates will pose inside of a frame for a "moving groupe photo". Please watch the  film of the  Frère Lumière to get an idea : "portrait of the whole Dam family and the Dam dog" 1905

an other inspiration are the group photos from the wild west :

short story long i imagine the shots like that : 

shot 1a:  group photo / fix

Insight the wooden frame, after they plundered the boat. Some of them are injured and wear bandaids, but all are proud and pose for the photo.

shot 1b:  group photo / fix

Insight the wooden frame, after a successful treasure hunt.they have shovels in their hands and are dirty. They start fighting over the gold, while they are posing for the “photo”. The captain shouts out and stamps on the grownd, they calm down and pose for the camera.

shot 1c: group photo / fix 

Insight the wooden frame, after the fought a sea monster. The whole crew is dripping wet, but stand smiling and united next to each other. Vivian holds two big knifes, Laila and Ivory an arm of the big squid.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Fotene findi äs super stilmittel. und au guet zum umsetzä. Mir chented dä rahme au grad filmä, so än altä und dänn nöch ad kamera näh, damit alli platz händ drinnä. Dänn muess dä Rahmä nöd so gross sie.

  2. das mit em rame isch e super idee! mer chönt das sehr guet als stiel mitel bruche, wenn mer nöcher ad kamera nemed ...
